Saturday, September 27, 2008


I went to Gao'An to see where I was in the orphanage. When I got there, there was a banner welcoming me in Chinese. We took a drive and saw the place that I was found. Then we went to lunch with director Huang, the person who runs the orphanage. When I was in the orphanage, there was another director, but he retired. Director Huang replaced him. Director Huang gave me a banana so I decided to name it Naner Monkey. He was very good to me until the next morning he rotted. I had to say my sad goodbyes when I left him in the hotel to come to Hong Kong. While I was in Nanchang, I saw two ausomest movies. One was about a grandma who was a secret agent spy. She was smart. Then the other movie I watch was my Dad's favorite. It was called The Bourne Identity. I loved it too and now it is my favorite movie. There are two other movies that go along with it and we bought them yesterday in Hong Kong. Last night we watched the second one, but it stopped after 45 minutes. It probably was a fake copy, so we are going out today to by the real one.

Now we are in Hong Kong. Our hotel is fantastic. I just had breakfast. It was the best one I ever had, even when I am at home. I had a apple crisp, a strawberry smoothie, a strip of bacon, cheedar cheese, crackers, and strawberrys. Thats all for now. Ttfn.